Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

First and foremost, I want to take the time to thank every single person that called me, text me, tweeted me, instagramed me and celebrated my birthday with me this past week! The amount of love I received was truly overwhelming and I appreciate and love every single one of you to the fullest.

Another year has passed and with that year I have gained lots of strength and wisdom. Age doesn't come with just all fun, games and strawberry margaritas (wouldn't that be sweet?) but also with trials, lessons and lots of experience. This past year I have endured all of the above PLUS SOME. However, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Here are a few things i've learned that hopefully you can relate to:

1) Nobody, including yourself, is perfect. Not a damn person. Instead of expecting perfection, accept imperfection and enjoy growing and learning. Love the person you are as well as the person you are becoming and don'g be too hard on yourself or others.

2) Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction. We're all so quick to want to react to what a person may or may not do to you or for you. Instead, take a deep breath, forgive and forget. It makes it easier and a lot less of a headache. I promise.

3) DON'T try and do things  your way. You will fail. Instead, pray for God to take the wheel on this crazy drive and just trust that His GPS is way more efficient.

4) Don't try to live life pleasing everyone around you. By this, I do not mean walk around not giving a damn about others and what they think. So your sudden plan to walk out flipping the bird to everyone that doesn't do what you say today, scratch that and replan. Don't do things in your life that are only satisfying to others. Career wise, school wise, in relationships... do what you know is best for you. Pray on it and move forward for yourself. After all, you're the one who will have to stick with whatever it is. Might as well love doing it! Don't settle.

5) It is not the end of the world when things don't go as planned. I know that lump in your throat feels permanent (I know mine does) but whatever is meant to work out will. Just because your life took a turn, it doesn't mean its for the worst. Just make the best of it. Learn. Keep moving. The lump will get bigger and harder to swallow if you drop everything to try and get rid of it. Just keep going...

6) No matter what, your family and friends always have your back. If it weren't for mine, I would be jumping off a bridge by now. Seriously. Don't take them for granted and don't push them away for anything or anyone. Cause in the end, they'll always have your back and they'll always be there.

7) LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. self explanatory.

Love ya dolls!


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